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Housing Registration Form

Hart District Council does not own any social housing, but we do provide a housing register for people who want to be considered for Housing Association properties in the Hart district.

You can apply to join the register by completing our online form below.

If you are facing homelessness, you should also complete a housing advice form as soon as possible.

Please note that the demand for social housing in the Hart district does outweigh the supply, so you may have to wait a considerable period of time before you are successful in your bidding and are nominated for a property. 

Our Allocations Policy will show you how we prioritise and assess Housing Register applications.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Personal information that Hart District Council holds in relation to applications will be processed in accordance with relevant Data Protection legislation. More information about how and why the Council may process personal data, your data protection rights or how to contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer is available in the Council’s Privacy Notice.

Who can join the Housing Register?

  • You must be aged 16 or over.
  • You must be habitually resident in the United Kingdom.
  • You must meet all eligibility criteria as set out in Hart’s Allocations Policy.
  • You must have at least one of the below types of local connection to the Hart District (unless demonstrable special circumstances or exemptions can be evidenced):

    -Be resident in Hart District for a minimum of 6 out of the last 12 months or 3 out of the last 5 years.
    -Have a close relative (parent, sibling, or adult child) who has been continuously resident in Hart District for at least the past 5 years.
    -Be employed and working within the Hart District for a minimum of 16 hours/week with either a permanent or fixed term contract for a minimum of 2 years.

The following people, may not be able to join Hart District Council’s Housing Register (subject to Hart’s Allocation Policy):

  • Applicants who have no recourse to public funds.
  • Applicants who do not meet any of the Hart District Council local connection criteria (unless they can demonstrate there are special circumstances or exemptions).
  • Applicants who are homeowners, have a total annual household income of £60,000+, or have savings of £16,000+ will be required to complete a financial assessment form to assess eligibility.
  • Applicants who have been responsible for serious unacceptable behaviour and are deemed unsuitable to be a tenant.
  • Applicants who do not have an identified “Housing Need” as defined within Hart District Council’s Allocation policy. 
  • Applicants who are below the age of 16 years.
  • If you are not habitually resident in the UK.

More information about who can join the Housing Register is available in the Council’s Housing Allocations Policy at: Hart Allocations Policy

Before you start your application, you will need:

  • Full names and dates of birth or all members of your household.
  • National Insurance Numbers for you and all members of your household who are aged 16 or over.
  • Minimum 5 years address history for all members of your household.
  • Contact details for the main and joint applicant including telephone numbers and email addresses.
  • A correspondance address if you cannot have mail sent to your current address or are of no fixed abode.
  • Please note - you will be required to provide supporting documents/proofs relating to your circumstances. This will include proof of identify, address etc.

How to complete an application

  • It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete an application.
  • Please be aware when completing the application form that your session will time out after 1 hour unless you extend the session.
  • Once you have started to complete an application form, you can save it and come back to complete it later. You will have 28 days to complete and submit your application form. If your form is not fully completed and submitted within 28 days, the application form will be automatically deleted, and you will be required to start a new application.
  • You will need to upload supporting documents for your housing register application to be assessed.  If you do not have the documents available when you start to complete your application form, you can save the form and upload the documents later.
  • When you have finished completing your application form, please ensure that you click “SUBMIT” at the end. If you do not click “SUBMIT”, your application will be automatically deleted after 28 days.


If you require assistance to complete an application, or have any other issues whilst completing your form, please email the team at [email protected] or call on 01252 774420.



  • Please DO NOT apply if you have already made an application. We aim to process applications within 10 working days of submission. We will contact you once your application has been processed. 
  • If you need to notify us of any changes, please complete a Change of circumstances form online.
  • If you are facing homelessness, you should also complete a housing advice form as soon as possible.


Please click “NEXT” to begin your housing register application.